"And being found in human form,
he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death,
even death on a cross."
he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death,
even death on a cross."
Philippians 2:8
In the middle of Philippians 2:8 is a tiny little preposition, the word by. Why did Jesus humble himself by becoming obedient? Why not to become obedient? Or because he was obedient? The Holy Spirit inspired the word 'by' to instruct us. 'To become obedient' places obedience above humility, action above the state of the heart. Instead, the Lord seeks humility by becoming obedient. I believe that the word by unlocks a new understanding of both humility and obedience.
We gain humility by becoming obedient. If I pray for and seek humility as an antidote to pride in my life, I must become obedient. If I seek to obey God's Word, humility will come out of that desire.
Obedience is humility in action. Disobedience places my Self as the highest authority. To obey is to put my desire second and do as I am commanded out of reverence. This is humility displayed through action.
To seek humility, start by obeying. That one little word, by, gives instruction for gaining humility in life. As the Lord enables us to obey his Word, He will develop in us a spirit of humility.
How can you put humility into action? What command in God's Word is the Lord asking you to obey?
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